4 Reasons Why You Should Not Quit The Race Of Faith

4 Reasons Why You Should Not Quit The Race Of Faith

Phillipians 3:12-16

You will not be remembered for the things you start but rather, for the things you finish. And the best part is, in the Christian race, you are not reward because you finished first, your are rewarded because you finished strong. So today I want to she share with you.

Why you shouldn’t give up when the gets tough

The truth is there is always a reason for quitting. But just like Akhwari demonstrated 1968 to finish the race even when he came out last, if you decide not to quite, it does not really matter what kind of obstacles you might come across. Here are four good reasons why you should never think of quitting. 

1 Tomorrow is a better day.

In the words of scripture, though weeping may endure for night, joy will come in the morning(Psalm30:5). However bad things may look today, just take comfort in the fact that tomorrow will be a better day. Things may not be working out today but they will tomorrow, Just trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and before you know it, things will suddenly start to make sense.

2 Hope is the raw material for faith

Faith can move mountains. And hope is the raw material for faith. That is why the devil will do anything in his power to make you hopeless. He understands full well that hope deferred will make a heart sick (proverbs13:12). So do not allow the devil to kill your hope. As long as you still alive, you can hold on to your hope and as Solomon put it, a living dog is better than a dead lion ( Ecclesiates 9:4). Just hold on to your faith no matter what and you will see that this kind of hope never disappoints. (Romans 4:4)

3 No Friction, no movement

Engineers understand just how friction causes strain, struggle and leads to wearing out of parts. But they also understand that without friction, there is no movement. This is why it is easier to walk in gravel than in mud. When faced with lots of hard times, it is heaven’s way of telling you to continue moving because the most conducive environment for movement is when there is friction. 


4 He will never leave you 

What makes storms easier to overcome is not how sturdy the boat is but the fact that Jesus is riding with us. What the disciples didn’t understand when Jesus was sleeping in their boat was there was no way a storm would kill them as long as christ was with them.  The next time you feel like the storms of life are too much, just remember this, Christ is in you (Colossians 1:27) and he has promised never to leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Even though John Stephen Akhwari did not receive the gold medal he was hoping to get, he was remembered because he was a finisher. You will not be remembered for the things you start but rather, for the things you finished first you are rewarded because you finished strong. 

Be blessed in Jesus name.

The Evangelist

Chris Okoh


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